Sunday 4 June 2017

WTI Crude Oil - Rebound or Trap ?

Daily chart of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Crude Oil.

On 2 June (Friday), the price broke the support zone reached a low of $46.74 but at the end of market trading it pushed up and closed at $47.66. Relatively above average volume transacted (798,917) on the final day of the week.

Is the smart money has a different idea now ?
Or, a trap setup ?

Going forward, more confirmation required on price action.

S-Trader Trend Tracker daily support levels.
Resistance = $51.65
Support = $46.61

S-Trader Trend Tracker weekly support and resistance levels.
Resistance = $ 54.62
Support      = $ 44.81

Source :
1) Metastock

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