Thursday 29 June 2017

Hong Kong small cap stock plunge wipes out HK$42b in value

A string of Hong Kong stocks suddenly plunged Tuesday, with traders pointing to links between some of the companies and a brokerage that's under regulatory investigation.

Sixteen firms tumbled by more than 40 per cent as of 2.46pm, losing a combined HK$42 billion (S$7.47 billion) in market value. China Jicheng Holdings Ltd, an umbrella maker, and GreaterChina Professional Services Ltd sank more than 90 per cent. Lerado Financial Group Co., whore shares were halted by Hong Kong's securities regulator this month, has previously disclosed an investment in China Jicheng and an underwriter role on a GreaterChina share placement in 2015.

The broader Hong Kong market was resilient to the declines on Tuesday, with the benchmark Hang Seng Index losing 0.1 per cent and the Hang Seng Composite Small Cap Index sliding 0.4 per cent. Still, the picture looked more grim on the city's small-cap Growth Enterprise Market, which is home to some of the plunging shares.

The S&P/HKEX GEM Index sank 9.6 per cent, its biggest retreat since August 2015, and closed at its lowest level on record. The gauge has lost more than 90 per cent since 2000.

More news, Hong Kong small cap stock plunge wipes out HK$42b in value

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