Friday 29 June 2018

Maybank Banking Bhd (KLSE : 1155) - Someone Ahead of Market ?

Yesterday, we posted a case study on Teradyne (NYSE : TER) whether someone knew ahead of the market.

Related post - Teradyne Inc. (NYSE : TER) - Someone Ahead of Market ?

Here is a local version.

Prior to GE14, the price moved higher but smart money activities showed divergence. 

On 14 May 2018, the stock market opened after a long weekend due to 2 days public holiday declared by victorious coalition Pakatan Harapan, the stock price rallied with strong market activities (relatively high volume) but it failed to close near it's high of the day - instead around mid-range. Thereafter, the price moved within a narrow range over few days before the big plunge occur.

This action showed the smart money seems to know something ahead of the market.
Daily chart.

Note : S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us. 

Source : 
1) Metastock

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