Wednesday 13 July 2016

CNMC Goldmine Holdings Ltd (STI : CNMC) - Case Study

CNMC also joined the gold price rally.

On 10 February 2016, CNMC breakout S-Trader Pivot Resistance and closed at SGD 0.20707. With the following indications been triggered.

1) S-Trader Smart Money Index - Positive, the big boys turned bullish.
2) S-Trader Multi Months High Low - 1-month High breakout.
3) S-Trader Volumetric - relatively High volume.

The following day, 11 February CNMC continued its rally and setting some indicators new record.

1) S-Trader Multi Months High Low - 1st 3-month High breakout.
2) S-Trader Volumetric - relative Very High/or Ultra High volume.

The stock price rallied to a closing of SGD 0.61 on 7 July 2016 with a profit of SGD 0.40293 (+194.6%).

If we miss the first opportunity, the next good entry happened on 20 April 2016 with a closing price of SGD 0.25637.

CNMC breakout S-Trader Pivot Resistance with strong support from big boys (S-Trader Smart Money Index - Positive or Green bar) along with relatively Very High/or Ultra High volume.

This 2nd opportunity also works a handsome profit of SGD 0.35363 (+138%).

Chart Source :
1) Metastock

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