
Sunday 23 December 2018

UCrest Bhd (KLSE : 0005) - Good Time To Invest ?

On 26 Oct, The Star website reported UCrest Q1 profit climbs to a new high.

Earnings at UCrest Bhd, the healthcare cloud system provider, climbed for a sixth consecutive quarters in the three-month ended Aug 31 to a new high.

Net profit in the first quarter rose 63% to RM4.94mil compared with RM3mil a year ago, as revenue improved to RM8.15mil. 

For more detailed news, click below link.
UCrest Q1 profit climbs to a new high 

Daily chart.

Source :
1) Metastock

Note :
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.

Telekom Malaysia Bhd (KLSE : TM - 4863) : Time To Buy ?

Daily chart.

Source :
1) Metastock

Note :
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Padini Holdings Bhd (KLSE : 7052) - Someone Ahead of Market ?

On 29 Nov, Padini announced their 1st Quarter (30 Sep) FY2019 with net profit of RM18mil. This resulted in q-o-q net profit dropped of 69% and 42% y-o-y.

The following day, 30 Nov, the share price plunged.

What is more interesting is the price action prior to the announcement.

On 12 Sep, the price action broke all S-Trader Trend Tracker support level.
Furthermore, smart money's interest on decline as price moves higher since mid-year.

Daily chart.

What do you think ?

Source :
1) Metastock

Note :
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

RGB International BHD (KLSE : RGB - 0037)

On 10 Dec, The Star published an article regarding this company. The company expects a higher net pre-tax of nearly RM40mil for the financial year ending Dec 31, 2018 (FY10) compared to RM30.69mil in FY17.

For more news details, click below link.
RGB sees higher profit on gaming machines sales

Weekly chart.

What do you think ?

Source :
1) Metastock

Note :
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.

Thursday 13 December 2018

KESM Industries Berhad (KLSE : 9334) - Revisit

In the last post dated on 28 June 2018, we identified the support zone between RM13.34 and RM14.90. Unfortunately, it failed to hold the selldown pressure during the market rout in early October.

Weekly chart. 

Related blog posted on 28 Jun 2018 : 
KESM Industries Berhad (KLSE : 9334) - Will the Wall holds ?

Related blog posted on 4 May 2018 : 
KESM Industries Berhad (KLSE : 9334) - What's Happening? 

Last blog posting :- Aemulus Holdings Bhd (KLSE : 0181) - You've Been Alerted !

Note : 
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us. 

Source : 
1) Metastock

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Aemulus Holdings Bhd (KLSE : 0181) - You've Been Alerted !

On 26 June 2018 we posted an article regarding this counter.
If you don't recall, here is the link to the article. 
Previous post dated on 26 June 2018. 

Weekly chart.

Did you managed to cash out ?

Note :
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

QL Resources Bhd (KLSE : QL - 7084) - Update

Daily chart.

The above chart based on 11 Dec closing price at break time.

As seen with the recent price action, it broke below the immediate support at RM6.832 last Thursday with relatively above average volume. 

Related post, QL Resources Bhd (KLSE : QL - 7084) 

Note :
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.

Are Shariah Stocks A Shelter During Financial Crisis ? - Part 1

Investors looking for a safe haven in turbulent financial markets should consider Islamic equities, according to a recent study.

Restrictions on debt and the diverse investment goals for Shariah-conscious shareholders could help provide a shelter in a time of crisis, academics including Sohel Azad of Melbourne’s Deakin Business School wrote in the November issue of the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. There are also differences in Islamic market structure that mean assets might be slow to respond to the effect of a downturn, they indicated.

“The interplay of these three forces can allow Islamic indices to behave differently from conventional ones, especially during a financial crisis, making them a good hedge,” the authors wrote. “We suggest that during major economic and financial crises, investors could use Islamic stocks to diversify their risks.”

For more details, Find Shelter From Financial Crisis in Shariah Stocks, Study Says

In the next post, we shall look at the performance of FBM indices - Shariah and Non-Shariah.

Source :

Thursday 6 December 2018

QL Resources Bhd (KLSE : QL - 7084)

Daily chart.

As the stock price moves higher, S-Trader Smart Money Index failed to align with it. Possible sign of smart money are not interested with higher price level.

S-Trader Trend Tracker immediate support level based on yesterday's closing price is RM6.832.

Will the price action able to hold above the immediate support zone ?

Note :
1) "Power Within Metastock"

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Power Within Metastock

Over the years, we have developed countless indicators/tools on metastock platform to test various markets - equities, commodities, indices future and forex. Those indicators/tools shared on our blog only represented a small part of S-Trader database tools. There are many more to it. Due to its proprietary and confidentiality, we keep it for our personal use only.

Metastock not only provides a platform for development but also comes with many powerful tools and features that allow traders/investors to "seize" to their advantage. Unfortunately, they failed to do so.

Are you one of them ?

The last 10 years, we have seen many trading systems been promoted and marketed in Malaysia. You will be surprised that some of these trading systems were initially developed and tested on Metastock before it migrated to other platforms.

Metastock may not be the most powerful platform but its capability not to be undermined.

For those traders/investors who are still struggling to create/develop a trading system on metastock platform, feel free to Contact Us for more details on our workshop.

(Some S-Trader indicators/tools will be given away free of charge for those who participate the workshop).

Monday 3 December 2018

Globetronics Technology Bhd (KLSE : GTRONIC - 7022) - Part 2

In the previous post, we introduced a new approach to identify immediate support and resistance, in addition to our existing S-Trader Trend Tracker.

Since, we have not given it any name and it would be appropriate to do so now.
We shall named it as S-Trader X. 

Daily chart.

On 12 July 2018, S-Trader Trend Tracker showed the immediate resistance level at RM2.316 and S-Trader X at RM2.34.

The confluence of these indicators showed a resistance zone formed between RM2.30 to RM2.34.

13 July 2018, the stock price broke above the immediate resistance zone with high level of volume transacted and resumed a new upward rally until 5 Sept 2018 before price reverses.

Note :
1) If anyone interested for a free 5 days trial of our scan result, keep a look out for our blog post.

2) S-Trader indicators/tools are not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us.