
Friday 30 June 2017

Helped by tourists, Hong Kong retail spending up for third straight month

Retail spending in Hong Kong improved in May, registering 0.5 per cent growth, on stronger inbound tourism and local demand, with further improvements seen on the horizon. 

The latest figure marked the third straight month of growth after two years of decline, according to the Census and Statistics Department on Thursday.

Retail Management Association chairman Thomson Cheng Wai-hung welcomed the slight increase and agreed that better tourist numbers had helped.

Even though the sales rose 0.5 per cent to HK$35.9 billion, the total for the first five months was down 1 per cent from the same period last year.

More news, Helped by tourists, Hong Kong retail spending up for third straight month

Source : 

Thursday 29 June 2017

WTI Crude Oil - Update 29 June

Daily chart.

Additional Info: S-Trader Trend Tracker support levels (Daily chart)
Resistance1 = $46.06
Resistance2 = $47.89

S-Trader Trend Tracker support levels (Weekly chart)
Resistance1 = $50.97
Resistance2 = $55.74

Note : S-Trader indicators/tools is not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us. 

Source : 
1) Metastock

FTSE Bursa Malaysia Small Cap Index (FBMSCAP - 8641) - Correction Around the Corner ?

Daily chart of FBM Small Cap.

Weekly chart.

Will the recent market turmoil in HKEX GEM Index affects FBMSCap ?

Note : S-Trader indicators/tools is not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us. 

Source : 
1) Metastock

Hong Kong small cap stock plunge wipes out HK$42b in value

A string of Hong Kong stocks suddenly plunged Tuesday, with traders pointing to links between some of the companies and a brokerage that's under regulatory investigation.

Sixteen firms tumbled by more than 40 per cent as of 2.46pm, losing a combined HK$42 billion (S$7.47 billion) in market value. China Jicheng Holdings Ltd, an umbrella maker, and GreaterChina Professional Services Ltd sank more than 90 per cent. Lerado Financial Group Co., whore shares were halted by Hong Kong's securities regulator this month, has previously disclosed an investment in China Jicheng and an underwriter role on a GreaterChina share placement in 2015.

The broader Hong Kong market was resilient to the declines on Tuesday, with the benchmark Hang Seng Index losing 0.1 per cent and the Hang Seng Composite Small Cap Index sliding 0.4 per cent. Still, the picture looked more grim on the city's small-cap Growth Enterprise Market, which is home to some of the plunging shares.

The S&P/HKEX GEM Index sank 9.6 per cent, its biggest retreat since August 2015, and closed at its lowest level on record. The gauge has lost more than 90 per cent since 2000.

More news, Hong Kong small cap stock plunge wipes out HK$42b in value

Source : 

Wednesday 28 June 2017

FANG ..... Time to Sell ?

Daily chart of Facebook.

Daily chart of Apple.

Daily chart of NetFlix.

Daily chart of Google (Alphabet).

Note : S-Trader indicators/tools is not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us. 

Source : 
1) Metastock

Hong Kong set to enjoy economic tailwinds in the 2nd half, but beware of housing risks, BOCHK says

Hong Kong should enjoy economic tail winds in the second half, thanks to an improving global outlook, although extremes in the housing market raise the possibility of unforeseen shocks, according to BOC (Hong Kong) Holdings.

In a presentation on Tuesday the banks said an improved global outlook will help boost trade activity while ultra-low interest rates will continue to support the housing market and other asset prices.

The upturn in activity will also spill over into the city's benchmark Hang Seng Index, which will likely gather momentum to close in on the 27,000-point level, the bank said.

More news, Hong Kong set to enjoy economic tailwinds in the 2nd half, but beware of housing risks, BOCHK says

Source : 

Sunday 25 June 2017

WTI Crude Oil - What's Next

From a different perspective.

Daily chart.

Note : S-Trader indicators/tools is not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us. 

Source : 
1) Metastock

Life in Hong Kong Is Harder Than Ever - Unless You're a Tycoon

The wealth gap in Hong Kong has becoming a great issue in recent times. If you do a google seach, there are few reported news in the past few years.

Firstly, I would like to share some interesting statements from a news reported about a year ago. It was an interview with Hong Kong's richest man - Li Ka-shing conducted by Bloomberg Television's Angie Lau. His first interview with international media since 2012.

As noted below.

Hong Kong's richest man called for higher corporate taxes to help teckle wealth inequality and urged the government to think of ways of countering rising discontent among its younger residents by providing them with more opportunities.

"Tax companies an extra one or two per cent, then a lot of the poor would benefit"

Unlike Mr Buffett and Mr Gates, Mr Li opposed the idea charging higher tax rates for the rich.

"You mustn't tax some people more and some people less or else it's chaos," he said.

More news, Hong Kong's richest man calls for higher tax to ease wealth gap

Coming back to our post title.
Here are some interesting statements extracted from the recent news article.

Originally intended to stimulate entrepreneurial dynamism, the hands-off approach may have ended up having a perverse effect, allowing a few large companies to entrench their positions and ultimately stifle competition. Charges of collusion between business and government have felled several officials and led to public discontent.

Debates about Hong Kong's rich and poor tend to come back to one word: land.

Almost all the city's richest people largely owe their fortunes to real estate development. The wealthiest is Li, whose Cheung Kong Property Holding's Ltd. posted HK$18 billion in underlying profit last year. The runner-up is Lee, whose Henderson Land Development Co. made HK$14.2 billion. The assets of the 10 wealthiest people now equal 48 percent of Hong Kong's economy.

They've thrived within a peculiar system in which the Hong Kong government. which technically owns all available land, auctions off long-term leases to developers, some of whom are indirectly on both sides of the exchange, Hong Kong's political leader is selected by a 1,200-member committee of notables, including Li and Lee, and others made wealthy by the system. This is part of why tycoons have an advantage.

More news, Life in Hong Kong Is Harder Than Ever - Unless You're a Tycoon

Food for thought.

Source : 

Saturday 24 June 2017

WTI Crude Oil - Update 24 June

In the last update post, it highlighted the next immediate support zone is between $42.20 and $43.20, as shown in the daily chart below. It was formed way back in November 2016.

Daily chart.

Last 3 days the price closed within the immediate support zone - taking a "breath" before its next course of direction. Also mentioned in the last update post, the recent price action signals potential bearish trend for the mid-term period.

Weekly chart.

From the daily chart. the selling pressure on the current downtrend phase has been much higher than the Nov 2016 - formed the immediate support zone.

Will the current selling pressure pushes the price further downward ?
Or,  Has it reaches the selling climax point ?

Lately, the news in the media still very negative.

Here is one the recent negative news.

According to analysts, the slide will continue, and oil prices could drop to levels they hadn't seen in more than a year.

"Oil is in a downtrend and risks trending into the $30's," Paul Ciana, a technical strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a note on Tuesday, as quoted by Business Insider.

More news, Bank Of America: Expect $30 Oil
Additional Info: S-Trader Trend Tracker support levels (Daily chart)
Resistance1 = $46.06
Resistance2 = $47.89

S-Trader Trend Tracker support levels (Weekly chart)
Resistance1 = $50.97
Resistance2 = $55.74

Note : S-Trader indicators/tools is not part of Metastock software package. It is our proprietary system/tools. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to Contact Us. 

Source : 
1) Metastock
3) Business Insider